Considering visiting Italy ?

How about an authentic sweet slice of italian life unique to our region ? Choose what you want to do and see & create your own holiday in Emilia !

We live in Val Parma and we would like to aquaint you with it

Siamo in un'area facilmente raggiungibile dai principali aeroporti - JUST dedicate a couple of days during your travel to Italy

Posizione in Italia, facile da raggiungere - Milano Bologna Venezia Cinque Terre 















The magnificent Torrechiara Castle is one of the finest representations of our region - this impressive Castle was built in 1462 by Pier Maria Rossi as a love nest for himself and Bianca Pellegrini, the Lady he had known in Milan and with whom he was deeply in love.







The Castle dominates the door of the Parma Apennines Valley, a lush hill and mountain range that extends to the Tuscany boundaries. A vast area still unspoiled by highways, rail traffic or industrial development - yet rich in nature, traditions and excellent artisanal fare.


Five reasons to visit this region 

1 - abounds in places of rare beauty

2 - crosses the MAB Unesco Tuscan-Emilian Apennine Reserve

3 - offers many organized activities

4 - superb cuisine all around you 

5 - welcoming people


Come fare per programmare la vostra journey ? 



Customize your own extraordinary Emilia holiday program

Scegli e mescola le esperienze per programmare il tuo soggiorno 

Ecco cosa puoi fare, vedere, assaggiare !

All the information is always updated at this link: HERE

- Cena in Questa Vigna - Dine in This Vineyard

- Castello di Torrechiara - Visit the Castle wih our guide

- Teatro Farnese - Marvel at Farnese Theatre

- Prosciutto di Parma - Discover the real one

- Parmigiano Reggiano, Aceto balsamico, Vino dei Colli di Parma - Hear the story of Parmesan Cheese, Balsamic Vinegar and local wine

- Giretti in bicicletta - ... and see it all by ebike

- Cucina con la nonna - Cook with our grandma

Un esempio ?


2 - 3 - 4 Agosto 2024

2 Venerdì - Teatro Farnese - lunch in Parma - Ebike Tour or Cooking class or Wine tasting 

3 Sabato - Parmesan Cheese + Prosciutto di Parma - Cena in Questa Vigna 

4 Domenica - Castello, pranzo,  acetaia 

Possiamo creare per voi un soggiorno - 328.2250714 via whatsapp

We can arrange your multiple day trip in Parma - ask us 0039 328.2250714

in altri giorni - alternativa Cena in Questa Vigna 


Visite guidate in Castello a Torrechiara con degustazione dei migliori prodotti locali

Guided tours of the Torrechiara Castle with tastings of the special local food













un pranzo con  cibo locale


a lunch with delicious local fare 


presso La Tavola del Contado in Piazza Leoni n°2 a Torrechiara -  seduti e serviti


at La Tavola del Contado in Piazza Leoni n°2 in Torrechiara - sitdown dining  or seated and served 


Tortelli di erbetta + Piatto con Prosciutto crudo di Parma 26 mesi + Coppa di Parma + Salame di felino + Pane di Montagna +1 Calice di vino Malvasia frizzante secca o Lambrusco dei Colli di Parma




Costo:  € 19 a persona - bevande escluse - Su richiesta sono disponibili variazioni al MENU' per preferenze o intolleranze alimentari segnalate al momento della prenotazione


Price: €19 per person - excluding alcoholic beverages - we can manage food allergies


INFORMAZIONI e Prenotazioni : 328.2250714 via whatsapp


Informations and booking : 328.2250714 via whatsapp




A Torrechiara c'è anche la possibilità di regalarsi un piccolo viaggio d'arte, perché anche "fare buon cibo" è un'arte antica. Per esempio, sia il prosciutto crudo che il parmigiano reggiano hanno duemila anni di storia, lo sapevate ?


In Torrechiara you also have the opportunity to treat yourself with a little "art tour", because making good food is an ancient art. For example, the Parma Ham and the Parmesan cheese have more than two tousand year tradition.


Venite a conoscere chi ancora li fa con gli stessi ingredienti ... vi accompagniamo alle produzioni locali di Prosciutto di Parma, Parmigiano Reggiano, Cantine dei Colli di Parma, Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale.


Come to meet those who still make them with the traditional ingredients ... we accompany you to the local producers of Parma ham, Parmesan cheese, Colli di Parma wine, Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Reggio Emilia, Val Parma Apple Sider


Tutte le INFO: Food Tour Emilia












Cinquanta finesettimana a Torrechiara < Buoni per tutti > - Trova il tuo !

50 weekends in Torrechiara - Find yours !

For every taste + For every age + For every wallet !

The programs for visiting Torrechiara and Parma Apennines are rich in activities and interests, for leisure days with family or friends. You will find all the dates and descriptions, below the picture gallery

Walking and guided tours, tastings, private lunches and dinings, extraordinary encounters with special people, e-bike tours, evening picnics with telescopic star-gazing … all of this and more around the magnificent Torrechiara  Castle and inside the Appennino Unesco Mab Reserve 

The programs are also suitable  for children six and older (unless otherwise noted) naturally, as well as for individuals , couples, families, groups … for 

information or booking, direct  message 0039.328.2250714

All the dates and descriptions

April 27-28 - Emila Food Tour + Sunday in the Castle - look here --> QUI




Annual calendar of main events - Both in Emilia and in Tuscany, there are numerous local events and festivals that are repeated from year to year.






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